29 September 2012
IBBI is the campus where I studied now. IBBI located on a nearby street gatot subrot, meda, Indonesia. IBBI have 3 branches namely IBBI Diamond, IBBI Topaz and Emerald IBBI.
IBBI campus has several departments of S1 - Technical Informatics, S1 - System Informatics, S1 - Accountancy, and D3 - Accountancy. IBBI campus have 2 check-in time is in the morning and afternoon. IBBI has facilities such as a library, computer lab, parking, click IBBI and others.
For new students signed up, they will implement student orientation for 3 days, which is where the first day will be held on campus and the second and third days will be held off campus is perform outbound, outbound it helps us train ourselves, to survive, and others.
Currently I'm studying in the first semester on campus IBBI. faculty lecturers, good, serious, and quality. where I expect after graduating from college ibbi, I get a lot of insight and broad, get a decent job, and others.
IBBI held a study visits out of the country. one of the activities is very helpful for us. students were selected for a comparative study was 3 people from each department to have the highest IP.
might just be the introduction of my college here, if you want to go to college course list here: D hehehe
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